


Tomoe Suzuki : lithographie
Nov. 28 (Thu.) to Dec. 4 (Wed.)

Tomoe Suzuki made her debut as a new artist at Shimabara's Seminario Print Exhibition, and established her name in a fresh yet powerful manner as a producer of lithographic prints depicting clothing. We are proud to host an exhibition by this very same artist.
Comments from Suzuki:
I create my own unique clothing, and based on these I produce lithographic prints. Compared with most clothing products, the clothes I make are not available in large quantities—they are unique.
I put a lot of myself into each garment I complete, and when it is sold I experience a mixture of joy at having made something people want to buy and sadness at seeing my work disappear. When looking at clothes, I feel these objects themselves express different things, such as boldness or loneliness.
In my prints, I strive to not only express the form of each piece of clothing, but to convey the physical feel of its fabric, the aura it creates around it, and other aspects in order to really capture the moment.
Taking a piece of clothing made for one individual and depicting it in print form enables a greater number of people to enjoy it, which makes me happy.